The purpose of the Code is to express community standards of honesty, respect for persons and property, and responsible use of freedom. The Code reflects the College’s mission and identity, and it exists to guide conduct, safeguarding and promoting the College’s educational activity.
Spiritual Commitment
Don Bosco College, Kohima gives importance to spiritual development of each student and staff. As means to promote spiritual growth, the college cultivates habit of beginning each programme or class with words of prayer, along with other weekly and monthly religious services.
In line with the college motto- “Duty and Joy”, students and staffs of Don Bosco College, Kohima keeps high sense of being responsible and dedicated in service both in and off-campus. All Bosconians are committed in providing service for intellectual development, building relationship and social growth as a whole.
Aspects such as honesty, respect, discipline and sincerity are the fundamental beliefs of Don Bosco College, Kohima. The college strives to achieve excellence not only academically but instil in the young minds the sense of cultivating moral values and positive human virtues.
Code of Conducts for Teachers
Teaching as a profession assumes the obligation to conduct oneself in accordance with the ideal of the profession. A good teacher is one who is fully conscious of his obligation or responsibilities and discharged them to the best of his capacities. An effective teacher is aware of his rights and works for realizing them in the frame work of rules and regulations. Students reflect the attitude of the teacher; therefore, if the students are expected to be learning-oriented, teacher has to demonstrate a high inclination towards continuous learning.
1. A teacher should be capable of Demonstrating learning orientation by continuously keeping updated on the course content, accurate, authoritative and appropriate to the level of the student’s program of studies.
2. A teacher should regularly under take intellectual developments/ research in the discipline and related fields; by Taking strong interest in broader issues, and building intellectual strength.
3. Selecting instructional goals that reflect high expectations and encourages mastery of facts, development of skills, and understanding of underlying concepts, being aware of alternative instructional methods or strategies
4. Selecting methods of instruction that are effective in helping students to achieve the course objectives and by Selecting or designing learning activities that are clearly connected to instructional goals and objectives
5. Incorporating activities and teaching innovations that promote the development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skill ,and also Reviewing and revising the methods of teaching on a regular basis, based on feedback from students and an objective assessment of learning outcomes.the sources of all teaching resources such as presentations, videos, cases, assignments, exercises, activities, games, role plays and Acknowledging the contribution of colleagues and other members of teaching fraternity, industry or society
6. Planning lessons that are clear, logical, and sequential at the same time Differentiating instruction to accommodate the learning needs of all students.
7. Acknowledging the sources of all teaching resources such as presentations, videos, cases, assignments, exercises, activities, games, role plays and Acknowledging the contribution of colleagues and other members of teaching fraternity, industry or society.
8. Using the institution’s resources and facilities only for institutional purpose and not for personal, commercial or any other purpose and always displaying utmost integrity in all financial dealings with management and with third parties.
9. Making the Teacher’s services available at all times for the development of students, the institution and the Society Always maintaining working hours as per terms of appointment.
10. Refraining from taking up any unauthorized, non-institutional work during office hours; duly recording official duty outside the institutional premises when ever required.
11. Being prompt and accurate in providing feedback on their performance at regular intervals with explanation as to how their work was graded, and constructive suggestion to improve their standing in the course ,ensuring adequate opportunity to learn and practice the skills that are to be evaluated. if any unethical practices are observed to be brought to notice of authorities
12. Being prompt and accurate in providing feedback on their performance at regular intervals with explanation as to how their work was graded, and constructive suggestion to improve their standing in the course ,ensuring adequate opportunity to learn and practice the skills that are to be evaluated. if any unethical practices are observed to be brought to notice of authorities
13. Speaking respectfully of colleagues and rendering assistance for professional development of junior colleagues; refraining from soliciting criticisms of colleagues from students; referring to authorities any voluntary complaint from students; being objective in professional judgment of colleagues; investigating thoroughly and consulting privately, if a colleague has shown incompetence or ethical violation in teaching before taking further action;
14. Mentoring students to help them make important academic/professional decisions and incorporating knowledge and understanding of students’ physical, social, emotional and cognitive development in instructional design.
15. Recognizing and celebrating the achievements of students. Creating a supportive learning environment for all students that encourages social interaction, self-motivation, active engagement in learning and nurtures basic human values.
16. Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, Tribal belongings, and political affiliations, economic, social and physical characteristics.
17. Refrain from undertaking any other employment and commitment including private tuitions and coaching classes which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities.
18. Should treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in a cooperative undertaking, within every educational institution and should help in the function of joint staff-councils covering both teachers and the non-teaching staff.
19. Should maintain contact with the guardians, their students, send reports of their performance to the guardians whenever necessary and meet the guardians in meetings convened for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefit of the institution.
20. Recognize that education is a public service and strive to keep the public informed of the educational programmes which are being provided by the Institution and its various society oriented outreach programmes
21. Refrain from taking part in or subscribing to or assisting in any way activities which tend to promote feeling of hatred or enmity among different communities, religions or linguistic groups but actively work for National Integration.
Code of Conducts for Students
1. Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of discipline and dignified manner of behaviour inside as well as outside the College campus. They shall abide by the rules and regulations of the College and should act in a way that highlights the discipline and esteem of the College.
2. For independent study, students are expected to use the class rooms, library or the demarcated areas of the academic building and shall not resort to sitting in staircases or circulation areas where they could interfere with the free movement.
3. Students are encouraged to make use of the library, common computing facilities and to involve in professional body activities or any program authorized by the college beyond class hours.
4. Political activity in any form is not permitted in the College campus. Unauthorized meetings, propaganda work, processions or fund collections are forbidden within the College, and outside the college.
5. Students are not permitted to distribute or display (both physically and electronically) material such as notices, banners, etc. in the campus without the permission of the competent authority.
6. Students are not permitted to arrange any unauthorized celebrations and decorations of any magnitude in the campus
7. No student shall knowingly furnish false information to any person or office acting on behalf of the University, or forge, alter or misuse any University document, record or instrument of identification, or knowingly furnish false information to any person regarding their standing, status, or academic record at the University.
8. No student shall store, possess, or use real or replica firearms or other weapons, explosives (including fireworks), ammunition, or toxic or otherwise dangerous materials on the college premises.
9. No Students should indulge in any uneven activities and practices relating to Ragging, bullying, defaming and harassment of any Kind.
Norms & Guidelines
Regular attendance not only fetches you high score of marks but also is an enriching experience with your classmates and teachers. Therefore, all the students should attend classes regularly. If there are some important and compelling reasons such as family celebration, ill health etc., students can avail leave after obtaining permission from the Principal.
For every hour, the attendance of students is marked in attendance register by individual course teacher.
Monthly attendance percentage of students will be displayed on the notice board. In case of any discrepancy, they can get it rectified by contacting the teacher concerned and the Principal within three days. Any request for correction in the attendance after three days will not be entertained.
After the final attendance list is displayed on the notice board at the end of a semester, any request for correction of attendance will not be accepted.
Minimum class/subject attendance required to be eligible to sit for any Examination of the college/University is 80%.
Award/Merit certificates will be given to all who obtain 100% attendance for all the courses.
Any student, who continuously absents from classes for 10 calendar days without information and intimation, will have his/her name struck off from the college register. The attendance at the first day of class after long vacation/holidays is compulsory and its non-compliance shall incur a fine.
When absence is caused by unforeseen events, application for leave signed by the student & parent should be submitted to the Principal not later than three days after returning to the class, along with proof for reasons.
Application for leave of absence may be rejected by the Principal if its genuineness is not satisfactory.
DBCK Atmosphere
Don Bosco College is a shrine of learning and everyone is expected to create a favourable atmosphere for it.
Dress code
Dress is not about what is handy to wear as boys and girls but influential to wear as Bosconians. Hence, students are requested to wear set dress code.
Black blazer, Black trousers, Black shoes, black socks, black belt, black sweater, with a white collared shirt for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
College T-Shirt for Wednesday, Department T-Shirt for Thursday
Bleaching and colouring of hair is strictly prohibited for both boys and girls. Only black-dye may be used if and when circumstances demand.
Inappropriate short hair is strictly prohibited for girls.
Shaved haircut, bald cut (brush-cut over the ears) bald head-cut and growing long hair are strictly prohibited for boys.
Spiked hair dress and fancy hair styles of any kind are strictly prohibited.
No students shall keep his/her hair in any manner which can make the hair look unusual or over stylish than the normal student look.
Tattoos of all kinds are strictly NOT allowed.
For female students
Hair must be neat and clean. Shoulder length hair or longer than shoulder length should be tied up.
Only one ear-stud per ear is allowed and the ear studs for both ears must be of the same design.
Ear-studs must be of a simple design and not fanciful.
Dangling earrings are NOTallowed.
Bosconians must wear proper uniform and identity card, whenever they come to the college.
Daily attendance at the start of the college for a short prayer session in the college hall is mandatory.
The students are expected to be in the college campus during the entire period of the college hours.
Possession and use of addictive substances like tobacco, supari, pan, etc. are completely forbidden in the College campus.
Students must be present on the re-opening day after every vacation and on the last day before every vacation, major or minor. Those who fail to do shall pay a fine.
Punctuality is to be observed by all at the college campus. Late comers may be permitted to attend classes on submission of the fine slip. Names of late comers will be posted on the notice board once a month. Repeated late comers will be asked to discontinue from the college.
Students may not leave the college campus during lecture hours without the permission of the Principal. When such leave is granted a leave-slip will be issued to the student. Students are required to present the leave slip to the college office before leaving the college.
Usage of mobile phone is prohibited in the campus. Any unauthorized use will incur confiscation.
Students must not join any club or society or involve in any engagements that would interfere with their studies without the prior permission of the Principal.
Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting within the college, or collect money for any purpose or to circulate among the students any notice or petition of any kind or paste it on the college notice board without the written permission of the Principal.
Active participation in politics is not compatible with the academic life of students and such students are not expected to indulge in public activities, which are of a political nature.
Classroom Behaviour
Students shall respect the direction of the teachers. Any disrespect shown to the teachers in the class or outside shall result in serious punishment and even expulsion.
Students who absent themselves from classes (absent themselves from one or more lectures without permission) will lose attendance for the day. Names of absentees will be posted on the notice board on the following day and clarification, if any, should be made on the same day. Repeated absentees will be asked to discontinue from the college or they may be detained in the selection exam.
Students may not leave the classroom without the permission or until the teacher has left the room or asked the class to disperse.
Students who leave classrooms should get a leave-slip from the teacher. Students who leave class rooms without permission are admitted to the class only after obtaining permission from the Principal.
Students must be present on the re-opening day after every vacation and on the last day before every vacation, major or minor. Those who fail to do shall pay a fine.
Punctuality is to be observed by all at the college campus. Late comers may be permitted to attend classes on submission of the fine slip. Names of late comers will be posted on the notice board once a month. Repeated late comers will be asked to discontinue from the college.
Students may not leave the college campus during lecture hours without the permission of the Principal. When such leave is granted a leave-slip will be issued to the student. Students are required to present the leave slip to the college office before leaving the college.
Usage of mobile phone is prohibited in the campus. Any unauthorized use will incur confiscation.
Students must not join any club or society or involve in any engagements that would interfere with their studies without the prior permission of the Principal.
Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting within the college, or collect money for any purpose or to circulate among the students any notice or petition of any kind or paste it on the college notice board without the written permission of the Principal.
Active participation in politics is not compatible with the academic life of students and such students are not expected to indulge in public activities, which are of a political nature.
Classroom Behaviour
Students shall respect the direction of the teachers. Any disrespect shown to the teachers in the class or outside shall result in serious punishment and even expulsion.
Students who absent themselves from classes (absent themselves from one or more lectures without permission) will lose attendance for the day. Names of absentees will be posted on the notice board on the following day and clarification, if any, should be made on the same day. Repeated absentees will be asked to discontinue from the college or they may be detained in the selection exam.
Students may not leave the classroom without the permission or until the teacher has left the room or asked the class to disperse.
Proper class room behaviour is expected from all. Eating, chewing, littering of rubbish, spiting, writing on desk, wall, black boards etc., are strictly forbidden.
Students who leave classrooms should get a leave-slip from the teacher. Students who leave class rooms without permission are admitted to the class only after obtaining permission from the Principal.
Non-compliance with any of the rules and regulations of the college regarding general campus culture such as uniform, camera phone, attendance, late coming etc., shall incur a fine as reformative/transformative measure.
Standard Operating Procedures(SOP) For Students
A. After admission process
After payment of fee, submission of original documents, signing of contract and orientation, every first year students or a transfer student is expected to do the following at the college office
Apply for the college identification card
Confirm all data entered in the student profile is up to date and correct
Enrol yourself in a College club and association of your choice
B. Leaving college
After finishing college or in case of a transfer/withdrawal, a student is expected to do the following:
Write an application to the principal, requesting for required documents (eg: transfer certificate, character certificate, provisional certificate and return of all original documents submitted) and submit to the college office.
Collect the clearance form from the college office and get required signature from the HOD and Librarian
If a student wishes to take Transfer Certificate during the year he/She has to clear all fees of the instalment period and if the TC is applied for after three months, then the entire fees of the year will have to be cleared.
A fee of Rs. 100 has to be paid for Transfer Certificates and Rs. 50 each for other certificates.
No Certificates will be handed over to anyone else other than the candidate, parents or one who produces any original certificate of the candidate.
Collect all the documents on the given date from the college office.
B. During Examinations
Regarding Admit cards
Collect clearance slip from the college office.
Get required signatures from the HOD and Librarian
Signatures will only be given if the student has required attendance, no fees due, and no library fines or no books to be returned.
Return the duly signed clearance form to the college office & collect the Admit card
Discipline regarding examination
Report to college at least 30 minutes before the examination time
All students are expected to be in the examination hall 5 minutes before the examination begin
Bags, Mobile Phones or electronic gadgets are not allowed inside the examination hall
Borrowing of stationery is not allowed in the examination hall
Students are not supposed to write their names in the answer script, rather write only the college/university registration & roll number
Students will not be allowed to enter the examination hall, 15 minutes after the commencement of exams
Doubt clarification of the question paper will be done at the first 15 minutes only
Malpractices in examinations will lead to cancellation of all the examinations and expulsion from the College.C. C. Student Support
Loss of identity card
Request for replacement of lost identity card must be given in writing to the Principal. A new card may be issued on the payment of Rs. 100.
incur a fine as reformative/transformative measure.
Loss/Damage of library book
After the matter is informed by the student to the librarian, s/he will issue a memo to the college office directing him/her to collect the required amount of money for the book. The student should make the payment at the cash counter
Damage to college property
Any damage to the college property should immediately be reported to the Administrator.
The administrator will issue a memo to the college cash counter through the student. The student should make the payment at the cash counter for the damages done. The above applies to the undesired graffiti on desks, walls and Boards
Suggestions & Complaints
Suggestions are always welcome in the mode of signed notes in the letter box. Complaints may be registered to the concerned authorities depending on the nature of grievance. No anonymous complaints or suggestions will be taken up for action.
Library/Music & sports equipment’s
Students can avail Library books at the prescribed library hours using their ID card.
Using of Musical instruments and sports equipment are allowed at the prescribed hours. A student should enter his details in the register/record book, and submit the ID card to the concerned coordinators.
D. Sanctioned leave, late arrival and early departure
Get the signature from respective faculty and from the principal
Regularity record in the handbook must also be signed by the Principal
Absence due to family function
Follow the above mentioned procedure but this leave can be only sanctioned provided you apply in anticipation of the family function
Sick Leave
Get the signature from respective faculty and from the principal
Regularity record in the handbook must also be signed by the Principal
Attach your medical certificate (in case of absence for more than 3 days) with the form
Late arrival/Uniform
Pay the stipulated fine at the college office
Write your reason for being late, meet the Principal and make an entry in your handbook
Three such entries will lead to suspension from college