

Sl. No.Open Access SitesSubject CoverageURL
1National Digital Library of IndiaIt provides all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular forms of access devices and differently-abled learners.VIEW
2Swayam PrabhaFree DTH Channel for Education.VIEW
3e-PG PathashalaA Gateway to all Post Graduate CoursesVIEW
4Project GutenbergEducations, Fictions, Fine Arts, Geography, History, Language and Literature, Law, Psychology and Philosophy, Religion, Science, Social Science and more.VIEW
5AuthoramaLiterature, Fictional Book CollectionVIEW
6GuruKPOCollections of all subjects disciplines from 10th standard Level to Post Graduate Level.VIEW
7FreeBookNotesOriginal and largest literature study guide, collections of free book notes, study guides, book summaries, chapter summaries, and analyses available for thousands of books, plays, and poems.VIEW
8Internet ArchiveCollecting and archiving of all fields in form of e-book, video, audio, website, image, softwareVIEW
9Literary Theory and CriticismOpen access collection of scholarly articles, lectures, ebooks and eZines in Literary Theory and Criticism.VIEW
10Cambridge University PressPolitics, History, Law, Religion, Economics, Literature, Life Science, Sociology, Management, Environmental Science, Archaeology and more.VIEW
11Read PrintCollections of Essays, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Plays, Poetry, Short Stories.VIEW
12Springer LinkComputer Science; Social Science; Education; Economics; Engineering and more.VIEW
13HathiTrustMillions of mixed titles digitized from libraries around the world.VIEW
14Rare Book RoomArt, Botany, Cartography, Chemistry, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Mathematics, Mechanics, Medicine, Music and more.VIEW
15JstorArea Studies, Arts, Business and Economics, History, Humanities, Law, Medicine and Allied Health, Science and Mathematics, Social ScienceVIEW
16IGNOUStudy materials for Master Degree, Bachelor Degree, Post Graduate Diploma & Certificate, IGNOU Diploma and Certificate in all subject fields.VIEW
17Open Book PublishersAnthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Politics, Sociology, Education, History, Environment Studies, Law, Literature, Language and Culture, Mathematics, Media Studies and Journalism, Philosophy, Sciences, Women and Gender Studies.VIEW
18Directory of Open Access Books43,980 academic peer-reviewed books from 659 publishers in all disciplines.VIEW
19FreeBookCentre.netComputer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Literature and Fiction, Law, Business and Finance, Medicine and more.VIEW
20Open Textbook LibraryBusiness, Computer Science, Education, Engineering, Humanities, Journalism, Media Studies and Communication, Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Social Science.VIEW
21OpenstaxMathematics, Science, Social Sciences, Humanities, Business.VIEW
22WikibooksComputing, Engineering, Humanities, Language, Mathematics, Miscellaneous, Science and Social Sciences.VIEW
23UCL PressAnthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Literary Studies, Media Studies, Political Science, Science, Sociology, Sustainability and Development Studies, Urban Studies.VIEW
24Open CultureCollection includes great works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, including works by famous authors.VIEW
25Social Science Cyber LibraryBrings together all open access e-resources in the field of Social Sciences.VIEW
26PDF DriveEnvironment, Science & Technology, Fiction, Children & Youth, Health & Fitness, Biography, Politics & Law and more.VIEW

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