Sl. No. | Open Access Sites | Subject Coverage | URL |
1 | National Digital Library of India | It provides all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular forms of access devices and differently-abled learners. | VIEW |
2 | Swayam Prabha | Free DTH Channel for Education. | VIEW |
3 | e-PG Pathashala | A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses | VIEW |
4 | Project Gutenberg | Educations, Fictions, Fine Arts, Geography, History, Language and Literature, Law, Psychology and Philosophy, Religion, Science, Social Science and more. | VIEW |
5 | Authorama | Literature, Fictional Book Collection | VIEW |
6 | GuruKPO | Collections of all subjects disciplines from 10th standard Level to Post Graduate Level. | VIEW |
7 | FreeBookNotes | Original and largest literature study guide, collections of free book notes, study guides, book summaries, chapter summaries, and analyses available for thousands of books, plays, and poems. | VIEW |
8 | Internet Archive | Collecting and archiving of all fields in form of e-book, video, audio, website, image, software | VIEW |
9 | Literary Theory and Criticism | Open access collection of scholarly articles, lectures, ebooks and eZines in Literary Theory and Criticism. | VIEW |
10 | Cambridge University Press | Politics, History, Law, Religion, Economics, Literature, Life Science, Sociology, Management, Environmental Science, Archaeology and more. | VIEW |
11 | Read Print | Collections of Essays, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Plays, Poetry, Short Stories. | VIEW |
12 | Springer Link | Computer Science; Social Science; Education; Economics; Engineering and more. | VIEW |
13 | HathiTrust | Millions of mixed titles digitized from libraries around the world. | VIEW |
14 | Rare Book Room | Art, Botany, Cartography, Chemistry, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Mathematics, Mechanics, Medicine, Music and more. | VIEW |
15 | Jstor | Area Studies, Arts, Business and Economics, History, Humanities, Law, Medicine and Allied Health, Science and Mathematics, Social Science | VIEW |
16 | IGNOU | Study materials for Master Degree, Bachelor Degree, Post Graduate Diploma & Certificate, IGNOU Diploma and Certificate in all subject fields. | VIEW |
17 | Open Book Publishers | Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Politics, Sociology, Education, History, Environment Studies, Law, Literature, Language and Culture, Mathematics, Media Studies and Journalism, Philosophy, Sciences, Women and Gender Studies. | VIEW |
18 | Directory of Open Access Books | 43,980 academic peer-reviewed books from 659 publishers in all disciplines. | VIEW |
19 | | Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Literature and Fiction, Law, Business and Finance, Medicine and more. | VIEW |
20 | Open Textbook Library | Business, Computer Science, Education, Engineering, Humanities, Journalism, Media Studies and Communication, Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Social Science. | VIEW |
21 | Openstax | Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, Humanities, Business. | VIEW |
22 | Wikibooks | Computing, Engineering, Humanities, Language, Mathematics, Miscellaneous, Science and Social Sciences. | VIEW |
23 | UCL Press | Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Literary Studies, Media Studies, Political Science, Science, Sociology, Sustainability and Development Studies, Urban Studies. | VIEW |
24 | Open Culture | Collection includes great works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, including works by famous authors. | VIEW |
25 | Social Science Cyber Library | Brings together all open access e-resources in the field of Social Sciences. | VIEW |
26 | PDF Drive | Environment, Science & Technology, Fiction, Children & Youth, Health & Fitness, Biography, Politics & Law and more. | VIEW |