



SI.NoNameTitle of PaperTitle of JournalYear of PublicationLinks
1Dr. Lanukumla AoThe Indigenous Technique of Water Harvesting: Study of Kikruma Area of NagalandNorth East India History Association2018View
2Dr. Velhou KozaDrug and Alcohol Abuse among women and its effects on Social and Health IssuesJournal of Northeast Indian Cultures2018View
3Dr. Neilazonuo KhruomoIndigenous Wild Edible Fruits: Sustainable Resources For Food, Medicine And Income Generation – A Study From Nagaland, IndiaJournal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences2018View
4Dr. Neilazonuo KhruomoUnderutilized Edible Plants of Nagaland: A Survey and Documentation from Kohima, Phek and Tuensang District of Nagaland, IndiaAmerican Journal of Plant Sciences2018View
5Dr. Yanthungbeni KithanConstruction and Standardisation of a Home Environment InventoryEDU WORLD-A Multidisciplinary International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal2018View
6Dr. Khikeya SemyAssessment on the water quality of Tsurangriver, Nagaland affected by coal mining drainageIndian Journal of Ecology2019View
7Dr. Lanukumla AoAn Environmental Basis for Comparing different Histories and ExperiencesEcology, Economy and Society – the INSEE Journal2019View
8Dr. ToshimenlaMapping Diaspora and Multiculturalism towards Literary DevelopmentDogo Rangsang Research Journal2020View
9Dr. Adenuo Shirat LuikhamA Critical Appraisal of Fiction in English by Women Writers from India’s North-EastQuest Journals, JRHSS2020View
10Dr. Adenuo Shirat LuikhamExamining the Emergence of Feminist Consciousness in the Select Fiction of Contemporary North East Women WritersRupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities2020View
11Ms. Patricia KiewhuoTraditional knowledge of the utilization of edible insects in Nagaland, North-East India.Foods2020View
12Dr. Lanukumla AoUnique Pot Burial System: Laruri VillageNorth East India History Association2021View
13Dr. ToshimenlaMulticulturalism in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of LossJuni Khyat Journal2021View
14Dr. Khikeya SemyComparative Assessment on Riparian Soil Characteristics at Three Lateral Buffer Zones in Riparian Forest of Dikhu RiverIndian Journal of Ecology2021View
15Dr. Khikeya SemyAssessment of soil physico-chemical properties and heavy metals bioaccumulation on plants at a coal mining affected forest of Changki, Nagaland.Environment and Ecology2021View
16Dr. Khikeya SemyComparative assessment on physico-chemical Properties of Coal Mining Affected and Non-Affected Forest Soil at Changki.Indian Journal of Ecology2021View
17Dr. Neilazonuo KhruomoAssessment of Nutrient Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Some Popular Underutilized Edible Crops of Nagaland, IndiaNatural Resources2021View
18Dr. Yanthungbeni KithanHome Environment and Social Competence: A Correlational StudyShodh Sarita2021View
19Dr. Khikeya SemyFungal diversity and physicochemical parameters of rhizospheric soil from banana plantation sites at Nagaland, IndiaAgricultural Science Digest2021View
20Dr. Khikeya SemyNon-timber forest products as a means of livelihood in Mon district, Nagaland, IndiaCurrent Science2021View
21Dr. Khikeya SemyEvaluation of soil quality of a coal mine affected forest at Changki, Nagaland, IndiaJournal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management2021View
22Dr. Khikeya SemyQuality assessment of Tsurang River water affected by coal mining along the Tsurangkong Range, Nagaland, IndiaApplied Water Science2021View
23Dr. Tsutshoweu SekhamoWu Tso (Charmstone): Credence of Khezha Naga.Lokaratna2022View
24Dr. Lanukumla AoCultural Dynamics of Zutho: In Changing Times.North East India History Association2022View
25Dr. Khikeya SemyQualitative Soil Assessment of Coal Mine Disturbed and Undisturbed Tropical Forest in Nagaland, India.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India – Section B: Biological Sciences2022View
26Dr.Khikeya SemyStudies of high altitude algae from some water bodies of Dzükou valley, Eastern HimalayaEcology, Environment and Conservation2022View
27Ms. Patricia Kiewhuo & Dr. Lirikum JingTraditional rearing techniques of the edible Asian giant hornet (Vesta Mandarinia Smith) and its socio-economic perspective in NagalandJournal of Insects as Food and Feed2022View
28Dr. Lirikum JingVermicomposting: an eco-friendly approach for waste management and nutrient enhancementTropical Ecology2022View
29Dr. Lirikum JingEarthworm community structure and population dynamics at Minkong forest of Mokokchung, Nagaland.Journal of Environmental Biology2022View
30Dr. Jarani MaoPerceived stress and anxiety among parents of intellectual disabled childrenInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Review2022View
31Dr. Khikeya SemyShort-Term Effects of Bamboo Plantation on Soil Carbon Fractions, Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in Eastern Himalayas, India.Anthropocene Science2022View
32Dr. Khikeya SemySeasonal Variation of Soil Quality in a Semi-deciduous Northern Tropical Forest of Nagaland, India.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology2022View
33Dr. Khikeya SemyGregarious Flowering of Bambusajaintiana Majumdar in Mokokchung district, Nagaland, India.Indian Forester2022View
34Dr. Khikeya SemySeasonal monitoring of algal diversity and spatiotemporal variation in water properties of Simsang river at South Garo Hills, Meghalaya, India.Sustainable Water Resources and Management2022View
35Dr. Khikeya SemyChanges in Soil and Weather Variables at Different Plantation Forests in Nagaland, India.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section: B Biological Sciences2022View
36Dr. Khikeya SemyEstimation of Water Quality of Dikhu River of Nagaland Through a Combination of Water Quality Index and Principal Component Analysis TechniquesKarbala International Journal of Modern Syllabus2023View
37Dr. Khikeya SemyMonitoring the dynamics of acid mine drainage affected streamsurface water hydrochemistry at Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya, India.Environmental Science and Pollution Research2023View
38Dr. Khikeya SemyChanges in plant diversity and community attributes of coal mine affected forest in relation to a community reserve forest of Nagaland, Northeast India.Tropical Ecology2023View
39Ms. Patricia KiewhuoQuantitative Characterization of microbial load in wild harvested edible insects of Nagaland, IndiaJournal of Environmental Biology2023View
40Dr. Lirikum Jing & Ms. Patricia KiewhuoNutrient stabilization and heavy metal reduction in organic wastes using Eisenia fetida (Savigny) and Perionyx excavatus (Perrier).Environment, Development and Sustainability2023View
41Dr. Lirikum Jing & Ms. Patricia KiewhuoAugmentation of plant biomass productivity using epigeic earthworm Perionyx excavatus and Eisenia fetida as soil nutrient facilitators.Scientific Reports2023View

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