

1Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)More than 15,145 Journals from various disciplinesVIEW
2JstorArts, Business & Economics, History, Humanities, Law, Medicine & Allied Health, Science & Mathematics, Social Science.VIEW
3Sage OpenBusiness & Management, Communication, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Humanities, Information Science, Political Science, Psychology, SociologyVIEW
4Springer OAJGeography, Business, Management & Law, Engineering, Chemistry, Social Sciences, Humanities, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, etc.VIEW
5Open Access LibrarySocial Sciences, Humanities, Science & Technology, Engineering, Management, etc.VIEW
6Taylor and FrancisEconomics, Business & Industry, Finance, Physical Science, Earth Science, Environment & Sustainability, Computer Science, Bioscience, Medicine, Engineering.VIEW
7BMJ OpenCommunication, Medical Science, Health Economics, Mental health, Sociology, etc.VIEW
8PaperityApplied Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social SciencesVIEW
9BioMed Central-BMCBiomedicine, Computer Sc, Education, Engineering, Life Sciences, Maths, Social Science, Chemistry, Criminology, Earth Sciences, Materials Science, Psychology, and more.VIEW
10COGENT OAArts & Humanities, Biology, Business Management, Economic & Finance, Education, Engineering, Environmental Science, Food & Agriculture, Maths & Statistics, Social Sciences, Physics, and more.VIEW
11ELSEVIER Science DirectPhysical Sciences and Engineering, Life Science, Health Sciences, Social Science and HumanitiesVIEW
12Indian Society for Education and Environment (ISEE)Science and Technology, Economics and Development, NanoScience, Drugs & Disease, Medicine & Healthcare, Bioinformatics & Biotechnology, Information & Management, Energy, Innovation & Development, Oncology and Radiation Biology, Automation & Artificial IntelligenceVIEW
13Knowledge Unlatched (KU)Anthropology, Communication, Literature, History, Linguistics, Politics, Sociology.VIEW
14SSRNApplied Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social SciencesVIEW
15SabinetArts, Anthropology, Economics, Education, Engineering, History, Law, Humanities, Literature, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and more.VIEW
16Hindawi PublishingBiological Sciences, Medicine, Case Reports, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences and Education, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science.VIEW
17Oxford AcademicArts and Humanities, Law, Medicine & Health Science & Mathematics, Social ScienceVIEW

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