Posted On: 13 October, 2024

24th Research Day, Don Bosco College Kohima
27 September 2024 : The 24th Research Day organised by the Research and Development Cell DBCK was held on 27th September at 11:00 AM in the college premises.The program aimed to provide an opportunity for all faculty members and full time research scholars to exhibit their aptitude research.Chairperson,Dr. Neilazonuo Khruomo, Assistant professor (dept.of.botany) DBCK cordially welcomed the invitees and attendees before the commencement of the program.
The program began with a thoughtful invocation by Miss kewale wozah , Assistant professor(dept.of.education,DBCK) followed by a welcome address delivered by Dr. Velhou, Convener RDC, DBCK,who felicitated the special invitee, Dr. Lilongchem Thyug, and his two scholars. Dr. Velhou expressed gratitude to the guests and underscored the significance of promoting research within the faculty. He briefly highlighted Dr. Thyug's expertise, including his written thesis on ecology and climate change, which aligns with his core areas of interest. Additionally, Dr. Thyug serves as the Vice President of the All Nagaland College Association and As a gesture of appreciation, the college presented Dr. Thyug with a token of recognition for his contributions to the research and academic community.
Following the felicitation time was given to Dr. Lirikum Jing, Assistant professor (dept.of.Zoology DBCK) to present his research paper. Dr. Jing’s presentation focused on the use of chemical fertilizers to address the issue of low phosphorus concentrations in the soil. He pointed out that while chemical fertilizers can provide a short-term solution, they have long-term negative effects on soil quality. He proposed bio-fertilizers as a more sustainable alternative to mitigate these adverse impacts on the soil.Dr. Jing also discussed his research on the reproductive biology of earthworms, highlighting the need for further studies in this area
During the feedback session special invitee, Dr Lilongchem Thyug praised Dr. Jing’s well-structured and insightful work appreciating the relevance of the topic, particularly the intriguing aspects of earthworm research and soil health. The program concluded with a vote of thank on a positive and a photo session to commemorate the day.
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Sentienla Tzudir(anchor)