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"Elysian Gala : Symphony of Naga Culture"

24 October 2024,kohima:The much awaited event DBCK EUPHORIA (2024-25 ) began on 24th of October(Thursday).The Inaugural ceremony cum cultural day themed "Elysian Gala: Symphony of Naga Culture" was held within the college premises at 9 AM.The event organised by the DBCK SF aimed to showcase the rich heritage and traditions of the Naga community through various cultural performances , exhibitions ,activities and it was attended by the students , faculties and special invitee.

The formal session of the event commenced with a flag hoisting ceremony by special invitee Shri.Temjen Imna Along(Hon'ble Minister of higher Education and Tourism)and college anthem led by DBCK Choir .This was followed by a brief highlight on the order of the program by chairperson Lolano Lotha(Women Welfare Secretary DBCK SF) and a solemn invocation by Fr.Christudoss(Campus Minister DBCK).Lemtsumong T.Tikhir (General Secretary, DBCK SF) shared a few words of gratitude to all present and expressed special appreciation to the special invitee.A token of appreciation was presented to the special invitee by Crystal (Asst.Social & Cultural Secretary,DBCK SF) to honor his presence.

Thereafter Shri.Temjen Imna Along took the platform lifting the atmosphere with his humour and valuable insights.He began his speech with words of appreciation to the institute and greetings on behalf of the government.His speech emphasized the need of unity and importance of inclusivity while also encouraging the students to learn and grow from criticism concluding his speech by inspiring the youths to work towards a common agenda further underscoring the importance of education and unison .This was followed by a special number performed by the DBCK Choir.Chumnenthung Kikon (Social Cultural Secretary,DBCK SF) delivered the vote of thanks extending heartfelt gratitude for the sponsors ,volunteers , organizing committee, creativity club ,media team ,DBCK SF,choir club and attendees who contributed in the success of the event.He also expressed special gratitude to the special invitee for gracing the event with his presence.The formal session of the event concluded with benediction by Fr.Dr.Tious Varghese (SDB, Principal DBCK) .

The informal session of the event commenced after a short break.This session featured folk songs ,folk dramas,folk dances performed by the four euphoria groups .In addition to these performances the event also included activities such as war cry,morung building,face painting, painting. The event also comprised of fun competitions such as Bamboo walking,Go kart,rooster chase,bamboo pole climbing ,pork fat eating competition.The winners of the respective performances and competitions are as followed

  • Folk Song-Group 3

  • Folk Drama-Group 4

  • Folk Dance-Group 2

  • Morung Building-Group 1

  • Face painting - Group 1

  • painting-Group 1

  • Bamboo walking -Group 4

  • Go kart-Group 3

  • Rooster chase-Group 2

  • Bamboo pole climbing -Group 1

  • Top spinning -Group 3

The Elysian Gala successfully celebrated the vibrant culture of the Naga community fostering a sense of unity and pride among participants and attendees .The event not only highlighted the artistic talents of the students but also promoted cultural exchange and understanding.

Reported by :

Rüguophrenuo Nishi Solo(Journalist)

Media Cell, DBCK

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