The Committee consists of members of the faculty, administration, service staff and students’ representatives. The members of the committee for the current academic year are:
Sl.No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. | E-Mail ID |
1 | Dr. LanukumlaAo | Convener (Department of History) | 9856792514 | |
2 | Ms. Tsutshowe-ü Sekhamo | Faculty Member (Department of History) | 9856792514 | |
3 | Dr. Toshimenla | Faculty Member (Department of English) | 7005577315 | |
4 | Dr. Tovika Swu | Faculty Member (Department of Political Science) | 9315419242 | |
5 | Ms. Rokovinuo | NCC ANO | 8257061209 | |
6 | Ms. Zhokholii Ritse | Administrative Staff | 8787722902 | |
9 | Ms. Lolana Lotha | Student Rep. Dept. of Education (6th Sem) | 9366290437 | |
10 | Ms. Gracy Aye | Student Rep. Dept. of History (4th Sem) | 9366290437 |
Internal Committee Member
Sl.No. | Name | Designation | E-Mail ID |
1 | Dr. Lanukumla Ao | President Officer, Assistant Professor, DBCK | |
2 | Mrs. Jarani Mao | Member / Employee, Assistant Professor, DBCK | |
Dr. Toshimenla | Member / Employee, Assistant Professor, DBCK | | |
3 | Myinthunglo M Lotha | Member from Non-Government Organisation (NGO) | |
Distric Co-ordinator | Member from Non-Government Organisation (NGO) | ||
The Bird and Bees Talk | Member from Non-Government Organisation (NGO) | ||
TBBT, Plan India | Member from Non-Government Organisation (NGO) |
Role and responsibility of Anti-sexual harassment committee
1. To ensure provision of a work and educational environment that is free from sexual harassment (Sexual harassment is defined by law from the perspective of the person who feels they have been harassed and it occurs if the person who feels they have been harassed feels offended, humiliated, or intimidated by the conduct and it is reasonable, in all the circumstances that the person who feels they have been harassed would feel offended, humiliated or intimidated).
2.To take all reasonable steps (active and preventive in nature) to prevent the harassment occurring; To address any oral/written complaint about: unwelcome sexual advances, unsolicited acts of physical intimacy, unwelcome requests for sexual favors or other unwelcome conduct of asexual nature. Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature includes oral or written statements of a sexual nature to a person, or in a person’s presence.
3. Obtain high level support from the chief executive officer and Principal for implementing a comprehensive strategy:
Providing information to all staff and students about what constitutes sexual harassment and about their responsibility not to sexually harass other staff and students.
Providing information and training to managers, supervisors and staff conducting teaching and learning activities on meeting their responsibilities in relation to maintaining a work and study environment free from sexual harassment.
Develop a written policy which prohibits sexual harassment. The Institution shall have a Sexual Harassment Policy. The policy outlines the Institute’s key commitments and legal responsibilities and provides a definition of sexual harassment and behaviors that are not acceptable.
Regularly distribute and promote the policy at all levels of the organization:
Ensure that managers and supervisors discuss and reinforce the policy at staff meetings; provide the policy and other relevant information on sexual harassment to new staff as a standard part of induction; periodically review the policy to ensure it is operating effectively and contains up to date information.
Display anti-sexual harassment posters on notice boards in common work areas and distribute relevant brochures; Conduct regular awareness raising sessions for all staff on sexual harassment issues.
To ensure that the mechanism for registering complaints is safe, accessible and sensitive.
To take cognizance of complaints about sexual harassment, conduct enquiries, provide assistance and redressal to the victims, recommend penalties and take action against the harasser, if necessary.
To advise the competent authority to issue warnings or take the help of the law to stop the harasser, if the complainant consents.
To seek medical, police and legal intervention with the consent of the complainant.
To make arrangements for appropriate psychological, emotional and physical support (in form of counseling, security and other assistance) to the victim if so desires.
The Committee shall meet as and when any complaint is received by it. Complaint may be received by any member of the committee.
The Committee may direct the complainant to prepare and submit a detailed statement of incidents if the written complaint lacks exactness and required particulars, within a period of two (2) days from such direction or such other time period that the Committee may decide.
The Committee shall direct the accused employee(s) to prepare and submit a written response to the complaint / allegations within a period of four (4) days from such direction or such other time period as the Committee may decide.
Each party shall be provided with a copy of the written statement(s) submitted by the other.
The Committee shall conduct the proceedings in accordance with the principles of natural justice. It shall allow both parties reasonable opportunity of presenting their case. However, should the accused choose not to participate in the proceedings, the Committee shall continue ex parte.
The Committee shall allow both parties to produce relevant documents and witnesses to support their case. Documents produced by either party shall be affixed with that party’s signature to certify the document as original / true copy.
The party against whom the document / witness is produced shall be entitled to challenge / cross-examine the same.
The Committee shall sit on a day-to-day basis to record and consider the evidence produced by both parties.
As far as practicable, all proceedings of the Committee shall take place in the presence of both parties.
Minutes of all proceedings of the Committee shall be prepared and duly signed by the members of the Committee.
The Committee shall make all endeavours to complete its proceedings within a period of fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of complaint.
The Committee shall record its findings in writing supported with reasons and shall forward the same with its recommendations, to the Principal/Management, within a period of five (5) days from completion of the proceedings before it. In case the Committee finds that the facts disclose the commission of a criminal offence by the accused person, this shall be specifically mentioned in the Committee’s report.
If, in the course of the proceedings before it, the Committee is satisfied that a prima facie case of sexual harassment is made out against the accused employee(s)/student and that there is any chance of the recurrence of any such action, or that it is required to do so in the interests of justice, it may, on the request of the complainant or otherwise, disciplinary action could be initiated in the form of:
Written apology
Bond of good behavior
Adverse remarks in the confidential report
Debarring from supervisory duties
Denial of membership of statutory bodies
Denial of re-employment/re – admission
Stopping of increments / promotion/denying admission ticket
Reverting, demotion
Any other relevant mechanism
If, in the course of the proceedings before it, the Committee is satisfied that any person has retaliated against / victimized the complainant or any person assisting the complainant as a result of the complaint having been made or such assistance having been offered, the Committee shall report the same in writing, to the Principal/Management, with reasons and with recommendations of the action to be taken against such person.
If, at the culmination of the proceedings before it, the Committee is satisfied that the complainant has knowingly brought false charges of sexual harassment against any person, it shall report the same in writing to the Principal/Management, with reasons and with recommendations of the action to be taken against such person.
Help line number in college
1. Dr.Lanukumla Ao
Asst. Professor History
Phone number- 9856792514
2. Ms. Rokovinuo
Phone number- 8257061209
3. Ms. Kesinle Magh
Student Representatives
Phone number- 9366290437
4. Ms. Seyiephrenuo Elizabeth
District Coordinator, Peace Channel (NGO)
5. Ms. Lolano Lotha